
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Life’s Lessons: My First Foray into Illustration and Publication

By Emma Rose Rowan Public Library

            Ever since I was a little girl my favorite activities were reading and drawing. I spent many hours of my youth at the public library where I could access books that fueled my imagination and books that instructed me on how to perfect my creations. Rowan Public Library has many items available for check-out for those with a budding passion to express themselves artistically:
·         Drawing for Mixed-Media Artists by Carla Sonheim
·         Freehand: Sketching Tips and Tricks Drawn From Art by Helen Birch
·         Illustrating children's books : creating pictures for publication by Martin Salisbury
·         Writing and illustrating children's books for publication : two perspectives by Berthe Amoss
            In August of 2018, I was fortunate enough to be able to use my passion for books and art to illustrate and publish my first book, Life’s Lessons. The opportunity presented itself when I met a man named Ray Delane Bost of Rockwell, NC. It took us no time at all to realize that, although we are an unlikely pair, we can work well together to help one another make our dreams a reality.
            Ray’s dream is to share his poetry with the world. Ray began writing poetry as a hobby when he was just a teenager. He published his first book of poetry in 2017 which is entitled This and That. This and that can be found at Rowan Public Library [811.54 BOS] nestled amongst an array of lovely collections of poetry. This summer, Ray was ready to publish his second collection of poetry and planned for it to be bigger, longer, hard-covered, and designed with his vision in mind. 
            My dream is to illustrate and publish books. I have always held a deep admiration for talented and creative illustrators such as Dr. Seuss, Gris Grimly, and Brett Helquist, to name just a few favorites whose work can be found at Rowan Public Library. Yet, I had always felt that illustrating my own book was a bit of a pipe-dream.
            Using Ray’s words and my ability to tame the technology necessary for the project, we decided we would make Life’s Lessons a reality. When Ray learned that I had always wanted to illustrate, he offered for me to design images for each of his poems so that I too, could have my name on the cover of a book. I am a librarian and so I am surrounded by books, at work and at home, yet none of them have my name on them…unless you count my worn copy of the children’s book Are You My Mother by P.D. Eastman which actually has my name all over it…but it is in crayon and I wrote it myself when I was first learning to write my name. [Warning: don’t try this at home, kids!]
            Needless to say, I accepted and began imagining and sketching out my designs while keeping each poem in mind. I will always cherish those warm summer nights I spent sitting on my back porch pouring over my designs and characters, drawing and redrawing them with a smile on my face.
            Along the journey, Ray and I discovered that we had other passions in common: a compassion and love for K-9 companions, public libraries, and playing the harmonica.
            Ray and I, are so proud to present the final product to the world which can be found at [product ID: 23762636]. Poetry by Ray Delane Bost. Illustrations by Emma Marie Rose. Published by my rookie publishing company Red March Publishing through

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