
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lifelong Learning is Easy through RPL!

by Kristen Thomas  Rowan Public Library

Lifelong learning is something that is easy to say but hard to do. I know that I have promised myself that I would finally sit down and start seriously learning French more times than I want to admit to. But finding resources to continue learning does not have to be hard -- all you need is the motivation to try something new, a library card, and the internet!
Through the Rowan Public Library eBranch, we have several resources to help you find something new to learn. Through NC LIVE you can access Mango Languages, a free language learning resource that offers 70 different languages to learn. Everything from Ancient Greek and Latin to more modern languages like Spanish and French is offered, as well as English language learning for those looking to improve their skills. You can even learn Pirate to embrace your inner scallywag!
Mango has a Learning Pathway, designed to guide you through from the very basics of the language to more advanced topics. It is divided into units, which are further divided into chapters. Each unit has a broad theme and each chapter focuses on a specific topic. The lessons focus on both reading and speaking abilities, covering all bases of language learning! And since it’s completely self taught, you can move at your own pace and can always return to previous lessons if you feel you need a refresher.  
But perhaps you’re not looking to learn a new language, but want to know more the computer applications you use everyday? In today’s world, knowing how to use a computer is essential in any profession and taking a course or two can help you become more comfortable with It can also give you an edge when looking for a new career. Thankfully through the Gale Courses, available with your library card, you have access to a plethora of courses to help you become an expert. They have courses on all the different programs of Microsoft Office Suite, including Word and Excel, as well courses on other popular programs like Adobe Photoshop.  With courses ranging from beginner to advanced, you will definitely find a course that is right for your current level.
            Most Gale Courses have several start dates throughout the year, usually one a month, and last several weeks. You can see the course syllabus before you register to make sure that it's what you are looking for. Student reviews are also there! Each course is taught by an experienced instructor who will be there to help guide you through the lessons each week. When you have completed the course, you will receive an award of completion to showcase your accomplishment. Of course, there are far more courses offered than the ones the highlighted here, so make sure to go and see for yourself what you can learn!
            Learning something new does not have to end when you finish school and it does not have to be hard to find. If there’s something you want to learn, there’s a good chance you can find it through our eBranch. And, as always, if you want to know more you can always contact Rowan Public Library and we would be happy to help!

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