
Sunday, March 18, 2018

Library Notes

 by Amber Covington Rowan Public Library

Libraries are organizations that offer free or low cost resources to people in the community. At Rowan Public Library, there are many ways the community uses the three library branches in Rowan County. People gather together to hold monthly meetings of their social clubs, students of all ages gather to study or complete assignments, businesses host hiring events, families gather to attend storytimes, property owners research the history of their property, chairs and tables are filled with people using the wireless internet from a mobile device, computer terminals are used by people completing online applications, and avid readers roam the aisles for their next read.

Current users of the library are dedicated patrons that support the mission of the library to provide information to all and are the best way to promote the services provided at our branches. As our society and social norms change over time it is critical that libraries stay relevant and aware of its community. A powerful tool that can be utilized to share the services libraries provide is social media (I.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and blogs). Each platform provides a way for libraries to share its services to people globally. Anyone can search the Internet and locate a page created by Rowan Public Library to find out about upcoming storytimes, book club meetings, special events, pictures, and ways to get involved in activities at each library branch. Maintaining social media pages are low cost ways to share information with our digital, ever changing society.

Spread the word about upcoming events at our libraries: like and share the library’s social media accounts by following @rowanpubliclibrary on Facebook, @RPL_Adults on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the Rowan Public Library’s channel on Youtube.

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