
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Meet Libby!

by Amanda Bosch  Rowan Public Library

                Do you love your iPad, kindle, tablet or smartphone?  Would you love to have access to thousands of great books, movies or audiobooks for FREE, anytime and anywhere?  Meet Libby, a new app that is a streamlined way to borrow digital books and audiobooks from the North Carolina Digital Library, an ebranch resource.
            Make the most of your morning and evening commute with free audiobooks from the North Carolina Digital Library, whip out your tablet the next time you are stuck waiting and read a few chapters of the latest best seller or skip the video kiosk on your next movie night and check out one of the online videos. If you have a library card, then you DO have access to the North Carolina Digital Library and its many thousands of resources available at our E-branch and they are all FREE.
 There are many ways to access these digital sources:
            Download the Libby app from your device’s app store. After installing the app on your device, open it and search for your library. You can search by name, city or zip code. Browse the collection and borrow a title. You will need a valid library card for this step.  Your titles will appear on your shelf and download automatically so you can read them even when you are offline.  You can also tap the cover image and select sent to device to send the title to Kindle.
            If using an app is not our thing, you can visit the North Carolina Digital Library online at and sign in. You must select your library system and then enter your library card number and the PIN you set up to access your library account online.  If you have not set up a PIN, simply stop by the Circulation desk at any of the Rowan County Library branches and ask for help to create one. Once you have signed into the digital library with your library card and PIN, you can choose from new titles, create a wish list, get recommended reads and put items on hold.  You will simply receive an email when your digital resources have arrived! 
                        Other e-branch resources are available via the Rowan Public Library homepage. Simply click on Services & Support and select the ebranch link. To access ebooks and audiobooks, just follow the link. You will find a wide variety of other ebranch resources on this page as well including NCLIVE databases, the African-American Heritage database from ProQuest,, (only available in house) Gale courses, and Tumblebooks among other online tools.  Remember, the ebranch is always open, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - and it’s always FREE!

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