
Sunday, September 13, 2015

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

by  Dara L. Cain for Rowan Public Library

Pirate talk has so many off-sounding words, but isn’t that what makes it so much fun!   Bet you or your child couldn’t say Poop Deck, or Monkey Jacket with a straight face.  On September 19th it was International Talk Like a Pirate Day giving everyone the chance to get a little silly and have some fun.  This holiday was created in 1995 by two friends John Baur and Mark Summers while playing racquetball. Today, many families take the holiday one step further by dressing up like pirates and playing pirate games.  It’s never too late to take part in the entertainment if you haven’t already done so.  To get you and your family started visit Rowan Public Library where you will find some great children’s books on pirates to set the mood and explore the truth behind the life of a pirate.

Most kids know pirates raided ships, kidnapped people, and stole treasure during the Golden Age of Piracy.  But even though they were criminals they might be surprised to learn they still had to follow certain rules to make sure pirates were treated equally.  They faced severe punishments if they broke the rules.  Look inside the book Life Under the Pirate Code by Cindy Jenson-Elliott to learn about the pirate code and how it guided everyday life on a pirate ship.   This is a simple story that will definitely engage young readers and a glossary is included.

    So what happens to a pirate if they break the pirate code?  Delve into the fate of a pirate’s prisoner in the book, The Usborne Official Pirate’s Handbook:  Be the Best Buccaneer on the Seven Seas by Sam Taplin.  Keep in mind this book in not for young ones who scare easily.  Readers are not shielded from the reality of life as a prisoner as they learn the graphic descriptions of dangers and treatments of prisoners.  Sam Taplin briefly gives some background about piracy in the 1700s and effectively gives a substantial bit of information packed with eyewitness narrative, cartoons, and helpful hints to young readers.  If you want to read a children’s book that isn’t as graphic but includes all the important facts and some fun  cartoon illustrations then the title You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Pirate’s Prisoner!:  Horrible Things You’d Rather Not Know by John Malam is a great choice.  

If you are in the mood to get your hands on some engaging pirate stories instead of the straight facts  be sure to read True Stories of Pirates by Lucy Lethbridge.  The stories tell a tale of hardship and cruelty, bringing to life the outrageous characters of the most famous pirate captains and the determination of the daring men who set out to capture them.  Some famous pirates included in the book are Edward Teach otherwise known as Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, and Calico Jack.

Everyone talks about male pirates but what about those few courageous female pirates.  Aileen Weintraub’s  book,  Anne Bonny and Mary Read:  Fearsome Female Pirates of the Eighteenth Century talks about two brave female pirates.  Weintraub follows Bonny and Read from their childhood to their meeting aboard the ship of Calico Jack Rackham and their capture.  Kids will be amazed at the achievements of these women and will be left pondering what became of Anne Bonny after her capture.

So what are you waiting for?  Head to Rowan Public Library to find some great pirate books to enjoy with your family and get ready to party like a pirate!

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