
Sunday, July 06, 2014

Doors of Possibility

Pam Bloom Rowan Public Library
What constitutes reading? How do you find that perfect book for a child’s interests? With summer reading in full swing, it’s a relevant question. To many children and their parents, reading involves a beautifully illustrated picture book or chapter book. These criteria can easily provide hours of happy reading, yet they can also be a constraint. This summer might be the time to open new doors of possibility in reading material for your child.
Consider asking this question the next time you visit the library with a child, “Do you like stories or do you like facts?”  I’ve often heard children complain that they want to learn something when they read. These aren’t the children that are going to be happy with any good chapter book. It’s either branch into the non-fiction area of their specific interests or, if the requirement is a chapter book for school, consider historical fiction or a biography. Choices are endless. Love knights? Non-fiction selections might include: You Wouldn't Want to be a Medieval Knight!: Armor You'd Rather Not Wear by Fiona MacDonald or Sweaty Suits of Armor: Could You Survive Being a Knight? by Chana Stiefel. Both of these selections provide a touch of humor with facts to satisfy.  From the historical fiction genre, Joust of Honor, a Knight’s Story by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell takes the reader back to medieval days of squires, lords and ladies while Clyde Robert Bulla adds a twist to the days of King Arthur with The Sword in the Tree.  The four books above contain great illustrations to accompany a taste of history. A biography of William the Conqueror might also please a non-fiction lover and Life as a Knight: an Interactive History Adventure by Rachael Hanel, while non-fiction, provides action and adventure equal to any chapter book.
Have a reluctant reader or a child that is determined to read books beyond their current reading level? To avoid placing limits on their interests with cries of “too thick” or “too long,” books on CD provide another avenue to reading. Try playing the beginning of Gary Paulson’s Hatchet in the car and turning it off at an exciting part. Leave the book lying around the house and don’t say a word. You might be surprised. The right book can be a powerful draw. CD books can also avoid an argument with the child that is determined to read books beyond their current reading level and refuses to read with someone looking over their shoulder. Again, grab the CD of the desired book and options open for these single-minded readers. Alternate between reading a chapter and listening to a chapter or simply listen and follow the words. In addition, children who read well above grade level can also benefit from CD books. As children begin reading harder books, writing styles can become more complicated. Listening to a book may help them transition to a novel that isn’t quite as linear as many of the early chapter books they’ve been reading. Try The Beasts of Clawstone Castle by Eva Ibbotson for a literary feast of words.
Technical reading is another genre often ignored. It’s still reading!  Have a budding artist? Junk Drawer Jewelry by Rachel Di Salle and Ellen Warwick or The Duct Tape Book: 25 Projects to Make with Duct Tape by Jolie Dobson will keep them reading and busy for hours. A favorite for your resident engineer might be David Macaulay’s “New Way Things Work.”
For your jokesters and pre-teens try The Encyclopedia of Immaturity by the editors of Klutz or The Big Book of Girl Stuff by Bart King (and his five sisters.) The right prank or learning how to deal with mean girls can demand close attention to detail.
If none of the above rings true for your family and you have a discouraged reader, think twice about how much time you allow for selection of books within the library. Choosing the right book can take some deliberation, particularly when surrounded by thousands.  A large library can be overwhelming to children and the simple gift of time and your friendly librarian might be what your child needs to find that perfect book to launch a lifetime of reading.

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