by Edward Hirst Rowan Public Library
you!! This was my first online course
and I enjoyed every lesson. It has given me confidence to try even more!
This is just one comment from a
student enrolled in Rowan Public Library’s Gale Courses online educational resource. New classes begin on the third Wednesday of
every month; students can register anytime with their library card. The classes all have twelve lessons and last
for six weeks. Lessons become accessible by students on Wednesdays and Fridays
while the class is in session. Students
can expect to spend one to two hours on each lesson. Gale Courses are offered entirely online and
accessible 24/7. Expert instructors develop and lead each class. They provide
feedback, answer questions, and facilitate student discussions. Online courses allow students to study at
their own pace and take classes at times they find most convenient. Each course consists of readings, assignments,
and a quiz. Supplementary information is provided for students as well a discussion
area for each lesson. There is a thirty-six question final exam that is
administered at the end of class. Students are awarded a Certificate of
Completion after completing the lessons and passing the final exam.
Classes are available in the
following subject areas: Accounting and Finance, Business, Computer
Applications, Design and Composition, Healthcare and Medical, Language and
Arts, Law and Legal, Personal Development, Teaching and Education, Technology,
and Writing and Publishing. Some of the newest classes offered are Introduction
to QuickBooks 2015, Writing the Fantasy Novel, Spanish for Medical
Professionals II and Intermediate Microsoft Access 2013.
Registering for a class is very
easy. Just visit, click on the link for Online Tools, then scroll to Gale
Courses. The first time you register for
a class you will need to create an account using an email address, contact
information, and your library card number. Over three hundred courses are
available each month. All classes
offered are free for registered users of Rowan Public Library. There is no
limit to the number of classes you may take.